National Partnership for Pediatric to Adult Care Transition Member Agreement
Our organization is committed to being a member of the National Partnership for Pediatric to Adult Care Transition (NPPACT) that has been formed to advocate for federal programs, investments, and policies, which will help ensure smoother care transitions for people with congenital and pediatric on-set, chronic, and/or disabling conditions that were initially diagnosed, treated, and managed in childhood.
In specific, NPPACT will focus on:
- Adequate funding for medical transition
- Barriers to workforce supply, distribution, roles, professional medical education and training
- Sufficient payment and financial support for healthcare systems, physicians, and clinicians
- Recommend models of care
We are committed to the goals, objectives and strategies that have been or will be established and agree that our organization will not work to undermine NPPACT’s goals or objectives. We agree to dedicate time for meetings, calls, planning, and engaging in NPPACT activities. As a member of the NPPACT, our organization agrees to:
- Appoint a person who will represent our organization
- Attend NPPACT meetings
- Share relevant information with the NPPACT
- Share information with our supporters, members, and employees
- Participate in NPPACT activities
- Follow NPPACT policies adopted for participation in the NPPACT
The dues structure for NPPACT membership in 2023 are listed below. In order to increase our strength as a coalition, we invite allied and professional groups to join NPPACT for $500.
Organization Revenue Under
$5 Million
Organization Revenue
Over $5 Million
Fill Out The Form Online Below or
Download and Mail Form & Payment to:
Spina Bifida Association
1600 Wilson Rd. Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22209