National Partnership for Pediatric to Adult Care Transition

An initiative dedicated to improving the transition process for young people with congenital or pediatric chronic health conditions as they move from pediatric to adult healthcare.

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NPPACT is a multi-disciplinary group of stakeholders committed to advocating for federal programs, investments, and policies, which will help ensure smoother care transitions to support adults living with serious, life-threatening, and disabling conditions that were initially diagnosed, treated, and managed in childhood. Other common policy areas of interest could include training for and access to adult care providers, insurance coverage for adult care, supporting expanded telehealth flexibilities, and increasing funding for research into best practices.


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Diana Gray, MA
President and Chief Executive Officer
Hydrocephalus Association

Sara Headshot

Sara Struwe, MPA
President and Chief Executive Officer
Spina Bifida Association

Past Events


Healthcare Transition: A Care Cliff for Pediatric Onset Conditions

June 20 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

@ Rayburn 2044

By joining NPPACT, you'll have the opportunity to:

Collaborate with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to develop innovative policy solutions for pediatric to adult care transition.

Advocate for policy changes and system improvements that promote seamless transitions and better outcomes for young people with chronic health conditions.